Seven exhibition areas of Chengdu Giant Panda Museum thrown open to first batch of visitors

Source: Date:2020-11-04 09:45:16Editor:LiuTingting Hits:

On October 27, the Chengdu Giant Panda Museum in the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding officially entered its internal trial operation stage. Twenty citizen representatives and 30 students from Panda Road Primary School became the first lucky ones to experience the seven exhibition areas.

Citizen representatives visit Chengdu Giant Panda Museum (photo provided by Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding)

At 9:30 a.m.,20 citizen representatives entered the gate of Chengdu Giant Panda Museum while listening to popular science knowledge and learning more about animal protection.‘I am glad to have the opportunity to visit and learn at the Chengdu Giant Panda Museum in the panda base as part of the first group of tourists,’said one of the citizen representatives participating in the activity, adding,‘This experience activity also gave us a lot of animal related knowledge and enhanced our understanding of the need for environmental protection for animal protection and improvement of the living environment. In future,I will be more sensitive towards the surrounding environment and animals.’

Children of Panda Road Primary School learn about giant pandas (photo provided by Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding)

In the afternoon, 30 students from Panda Road Primary School gathered in front of the museum, where they had an interactive experience class on ecology and environmental protection. The lucid explanations of the science popularization teacher helped the students learn about the giant panda and the importance of protecting its habitat. ‘I will start with the small things around me, loving the environment,tending to animals and encouraging my classmates to contribute to environmental protection,’said a student who took part in the activity.

Chengdu Giant Panda Museum (photo provided by Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding)

Chengdu Giant Panda Museum is divided into seven exhibition areas, namely ‘the Biography of Panda’,‘Hermit in Bamboo Forest’,‘Discovery of Panda’,‘Endangered Age’,‘Road of Protection’,‘Ecological Homeland’and‘Creating and Enjoying the Future'.Visitors can fully understand the living conditions of giant pandas in different periods and the process from their discovery to protection.

Chengdu Giant Panda Museum (photo provided by Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding)

‘We will adjust the ambience, equipment and display of the exhibition hall to bring forth the best view to visitors.We expect to officially throw open the exhibition to the public around New Year’s eve,'said staff at the Chengdu Giant Panda Museum.(By Edina Liang)